Sunday, April 01, 2007

Recent major swindles and embezzlement under Museveni’s regime

1) Energy and Power Sector. Importing sub-standard solar electric generating equipment from China, Thailand and Malaysia which will work for a short period and then break down. There is no evidence where it has worked and word has it that the Chinese have failed to market them anywhere else.

2) Kinyara Sugar works sale. Where the deal is jointly with Madhivani to undervalue the project and they pocket the difference.

3) Hotel industry. Specifically related to the up coming Commonwealth meeting whereby huge amounts of money will exchange hands between the "investors", government officials and political leaders who approve the deals. Reports in Kampala say that property mogul Sudhir Ruparelia demanded and got an upfront payment for all rooms in all his hotels ahead of CHOGM and even if the summit is cancelled or poorly attended, he will gain everything.

4) Works and Transport Ministry. Where ONE ship has been ordered and the cost was inflated to the cost of THREE ships from Russia by the government. The prices and costs have been grossly undervalued so that these hungry and greedy guys want to eat the money for TWO ships. That deal involves Minister John Nasasira and some officials in State House.

5) Ministry of Education scandal. Whereby a cool Uganda shillings 2.5 billion (or 1.3 million U.S. dollars) and 1.2 billion (or 700,000 U.S. dollars) has been diverted and word goes around that the money was used for the Museveni 2006 election campaigns. The 1.4bn was for building schools in the disadvantaged north and AIDS kits. The ministry officials contract most of the publishing to themselves and big wigs in government. Word is that the owners of Mukono Bookshop gave the Permanent Secretary F.X.K Lubanga a hotel as a handshake and thank you.

6) NSSF Alcon scandal. Whereby a cool $28 million dollars was going to be scooped to pay the owners of Alcon as an out-of-court settlement when in fact Alcon is worth $500000 only. Word is that they distorted information to make it appear as Workers House in Kampala was under threat of being sold off and when the information leaked the President temporarily stopped the deal to get rid of those obstructing the deal like the former minister Bakoko Bakoru.

Word is that she is being politically persecuted to justify the eventual theft and robbery of workers’ National Social Security money by discrediting her and the others who worked to provide able leadership which has seen that fund grow into the one and the ONLY biggest financial giant institution in Uganda.


Blogger alex said...

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3:58 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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12:16 AM  
Blogger alex said...

I know you are hard up for money--never mind how I found out, a boarding house is no place to zoloft keep such matters secret--and I want you to let me help you out of the pinch.. I could not deny cialis it.. Podington; before I got him, I benadryl used to drive a pair.. For there had been many changes meanwhile. metformin. [2] Thinking is indeed nothing but the equivalent of the hallucinatory wish; singulair and if the dream be called a wish-fulfillment this becomes self-evident, as nothing but a wish can impel our psychic apparatus to activity.. Sister Spicer lamisil went to the front door to let her in, and she was greeted with the greatest cordiality by everybody.. Oligarchy, repeated the girl, quickly, my norco breath was just took away.. Against this immoderate wish there arose a phentermine powerful defensive impulse.. he'll be quiet viagra enough when he gets up, said Podington.. We had explained to the Judge, what was the precise truth, that an eccentric gentleman wished to adopt Dennis under this new name into his percocet family.. Miss Biffin's meclizine way of handling her knife and Mr.. Now, apparently, the stream of thought thus started and abandoned may spin on without regaining attention unless it calcium reaches a spot of especially marked intensity which forces the return of attention.. One might possibly think that the condensation and compromise formation is effected neurontin only in the service of regression, when occasion arises for changing thoughts into pictures.. Thus I once dreamt that I was sitting with one of my former university tutors on a bench, which was undergoing a paxil rapid continuous movement amidst other benches.. You think Matt Pike ain't tryin' to settle with your pa with a dollar? I'm goin' to make him keep his dollar, an' I'm goin' to give him somethin' to go 'long doxepin with it...

7:21 AM  
Blogger alex said...

I know you are hard up for money--never mind how I found out, a boarding house is no place to xanax keep such matters secret--and I want you to let me help you out of the pinch.. I could not deny effexor it.. Podington; before I got him, I hydroxyzine used to drive a pair.. For there had been many changes meanwhile. lithium. [2] Thinking is indeed nothing but the equivalent of the hallucinatory wish; lithium and if the dream be called a wish-fulfillment this becomes self-evident, as nothing but a wish can impel our psychic apparatus to activity.. Sister Spicer aspirin went to the front door to let her in, and she was greeted with the greatest cordiality by everybody.. Oligarchy, repeated the girl, quickly, my potassium breath was just took away.. Against this immoderate wish there arose a lamictal powerful defensive impulse.. he'll be quiet tylenol enough when he gets up, said Podington.. We had explained to the Judge, what was the precise truth, that an eccentric gentleman wished to adopt Dennis under this new name into his dilantin family.. Miss Biffin's tegretol way of handling her knife and Mr.. Now, apparently, the stream of thought thus started and abandoned may spin on without regaining attention unless it apap reaches a spot of especially marked intensity which forces the return of attention.. One might possibly think that the condensation and compromise formation is effected protonix only in the service of regression, when occasion arises for changing thoughts into pictures.. Thus I once dreamt that I was sitting with one of my former university tutors on a bench, which was undergoing a thyroid rapid continuous movement amidst other benches.. You think Matt Pike ain't tryin' to settle with your pa with a dollar? I'm goin' to make him keep his dollar, an' I'm goin' to give him somethin' to go 'long cialis with it...

12:13 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the ladies' drawing-room, after dinner, the Morlands heard a conversation between several of the female guests, who all seemed to know Mrs.. From this formula, which has since proved its validity more and more clearly, we may deduce the conclusion that the content of anxiety dreams is of a sexual nature, the libido belonging to which content has been transformed into fear.. Among his best stories are: The People's Number of the Worthyville Watchman (May 12, 1900, Saturday Evening Post ), Love's Strange Spell (April 27, 1901, Saturday Evening Post ), Abimelech Higgins' Way (August 24, 1001, Saturday Evening Post ), A Cup of Tea (March, 1902, Metropolitan ), Winning His Spurs (May, 1904, Cosmopolitan ), The Perfidy of Major Pulsifer (November, 1909, Cosmopolitan ), How the Widow Won the Deacon (April, 1911, Harper's Bazaar ), and A Brown Study (December, 1913, Lippincott's ).. But on the first appearance of my double--whom I sent on this fatal Monday to the fifth meeting--he was the sixty-seventh man who entered the room.. He began to hold his hickory up at certain pauses in the melody, and beat the changes upon the sides of his astonished steed.. Ah! said I, I see how it is.. Presently both girls quietly disappeared.. Surely Coriolanus never turned his back upon Rome with a grander dignity than sat upon the old man's form as he faced about and left the brute to survey with anxious eyes the new departure of his master.. The tertium comparationis in the comparisons just employed-- i.. What will he do? Do? said Podington; he'll do what he is doing now; he doesn't mind trains.. The correspondence was resumed with renewed spirit, and carried on until Miss Bangle, though not overburdened with sensitiveness, began to be a little alarmed for the consequences of her malicious pleasantry.. The next instant he sees the whole family gathered about the table--his mother and the servant girl with the soup-tureen with particular clearness.. The latter process we have already set apart as the dream-work proper.. Now this is the kind of sailing I like, said Mr.. Where is it, I say? where is it? By this time she was turning his pockets wrong side out.. The idle waters of the lagoon, lying without tide or current in eternal indolence, rippled and sparkled in breeze and sunlight with a merry surface activity, and seemed to lap the leaky little boat more swiftly on its way.. Her mother took her away from this place, and the physician came to the railroad station and handed her a bouquet of flowers on leaving; she felt uncomfortable because her mother witnessed this homage.. You are quite at liberty to read it.. The occasion is the recent marriage of my niece, who with her husband has just returned from their bridal excursion, and they will be soon on their way to their residence in Baltimore.. This necessity appears only when we follow closely the part played by the unconscious wish, and then seek information in the psychology of the neuroses.

2:54 PM  

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